High School & Middle School
All athletes must register online EACH SEASON to be eligible to participate on an athletic team. Register here:
Athlete Registration for MS & HS Sports Teams
All athletes must have a completed, up-to-date physical signed off by a physician (these are good for 365 days).
(or click here to print the Sports Packet in is entirety)
Sports-Related Eye Injuries
Below is a memorandum to announce the availability of Sports-Related Eye Injuries: An Educational Fact Sheet for Parents See Below.
Eye injuries are the leading cause of preventable blindness and visual impairment in children, and most injuries occurring in school-aged children are sports-related. The fact sheet, developed by the New Jersey Department of Education, includes critical information to promote the prevention of eye injuries as well as recommendations for the appropriate management of eye injuries that may occur. Each school district and nonpublic school is required to distribute the educational fact sheet annually to parents or guardians of the students, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:40-41.9(b), in order to reduce the needless loss of sight that can occur during sports activities. The attached fact sheet may also be accessed at:
Questions may be directed to [email protected].